Sunday 5 May 2013

Experiment 2 - 5 Images

Zumthor detail- The skylights act to remind the visitor of the thickness of the dense slab that hangs over them. 

Zumthor detail- The supporting columns shown here are never visible to the visitor and light columns that are not carrying much load (if any) are presented as the support structure for the monumental slab thereby emphasizing it's weight and floating quality.

The angled slope at the entrance to the monuments creates a closed funnel like space, to be contrasted with the open space in the Brunelleschi section, while also making it impossible to see the supporting columns for the slab. This furthers the material presence as attention is drawn to the suspended weight of the slab slab as the visitor climbs the slope.

After exiting the confined Zumthor monument space the visitor is then exposed to a highly open space that draws the eyes up to the sky whilst also emphasizing the sheer cliff face. In this way vertical viewing space is increased in both directions.

The composition of the Zumthor space and the natural entrance to it creates a confined impression. This is then greatly contrasted with the openness of the Brunelleschi monument to create a greater sense of a 'spiritually uplifting' space. The spaces thereby work together by contrasting each other spatially to add to their respective aims of having material presence and to be 'spiritually uplifting'.

Link to Exp2 SketchUp Models + CryEngine Environment

Saturday 4 May 2013

Concepts and Electoliquid Aggregation

Peter Zumthor concept- “The significance of the composition in relation to the presence of the material.”

Filipo Brunelleschi concept- “Space which is spiritually uplifting”

Electoliquid Aggregation-“The significance of the entire composition, in regards to spatial contrasts, to determine the presence of the material and the ability of a space to be spiritually uplifting.”
